The creator of Telegram billionaire Pavel Durov has published a tweet which shows that his widely popular Telegram social media and messaging platform is helping developers to earn millions of US dollars.
Durov tweeted that twenty days ago, a developer rolled out a Telegram-based mini app. Durov pointed out that it took the anonymous developer merely a weekend to create it. Besides, there was no team to help him – the developer did all the work on his own and had no budget or investors. That mini app has already reached $1 million in net profit, according to the tweet.
20 days ago, a developer launched a Telegram mini app. He built it over a weekend — alone, with no team, budget or investors. His mini app already hit $1M in net profit.
💡 You don’t need a team to become a millionaire #
— Pavel Durov (@durov) November 20, 2024
Telegram’s most recent update for app developers
In his tweet, Durov never revealed the name of this highly successful developer or his app that has hit $1 million in net profit. It is likely that he was referring to the recently announced expansion of range of tools for developers who make mini apps on Telegram.
The announcement was made by the platform on November 5. Back then, a post published by Pavel Durov on his Telegram channel revealed an update which allowed developers to embrace new features for creating new types of apps and games on Telegram.
Those features included a full-screen mode, hope screen shortcuts, subscription plans, emoji status access, monetization of adverts, media sharing, etc. He added that only two features had already gone live by the moment of the post publication: Expanded Messaging Limits and Ad Monetization. The rest would take 2-4 weeks to launch.
Robert Kiyosaki’s advice on becoming millionaire
Renowned investor and author of the popular book “Rich Dad Poor Dad” frequently shares his own guidance on how to become a millionaire. Per him, the best way to do it is to use the opportunities around you, which often come during economy crises and market crashes because during these times assets are on sale and can be bought cheaply.
Kiyosaki often cites the imaginary “rich dad” from his book who taught him to invest with a profit and not to save up “fake” money, which Kiyosaki calls US dollars. Over the past four years, Kiyosaki tweeted many times that he buys Bitcoin, gold, silver and other wealth-generating assets on the dip when their prices crash, while others sell them.